What We Do


Residential Facilities

Project New Generation LLC operates residential group homes in communities across the Phoenix metro area. These homes are permanent residences for individuals with disabilities. Each provides a home environment for 3 to 6 residents. All properties are barrier-free and designed to accommodate the physical needs of the residents.


Home-Based Program

Project New Generation LLC provides valuable support to children and adults with disabilities in the convenience, safety and comfort of their own home. Our services provide relief for their primary caregivers. These services are also essential to ensuring members are able to remain in a home setting.
Employees delivering care receive extensive instruction and hands on training in a living situation. In addition,member specific training is provided prior to placement in the home.


Outcome-based training that enhances personal skill level in the home or community. Skill training is designed to increase or maintain the individual’s self-help, socialization and adaptive skills in order to reside and participate successfully in his/her own community.
Attendant Care



Group Home

This program provides a safe and healthy home environment for our residents. Group homes function like traditional family homes. Residents and staff prepare and enjoy meals together, go on outings, attend events, host parties and support each other.
Our caring and dedicated staff assist residents with all activities of daily living. This includes transportation, habilitation, community involvement, training and achieving personal goals.



We  provide
Physical Therapy *
Speech Therapy *
Music Therapy *
Occupational Therapy *